I use this App for more then more than 3 years and I am very happy with it.
Real Weather consistently has accurate weather !!!One day, when I was looking at a few other weather forecast, I googled I want the Real Weather! This app came up and it was true to its title! I thank you REAL WEATHER!
Great app!!
It gives clear, concise weather forecasts
Can you provide a switch to convert from millibars to inches of mercury.
This app is a great addition to other weather apps to get an overall view of weather conditions, patterns, changes and forecasts for my area...
Great app but it’s kinda hard for the first time but I ILike it tho so that’s why I give it 5/5 pretty good game not gonna lie
Yes it helps me a lot
I have used it and it has been accurate so far
Pretty good for now,
Great application for weather.
The title says it all
This is a very nice weather app! I’ll support it as long as it stays pretty accurate. Thanks! Larcalc
Its frozen. Didn’t even get out of the starting gate picking a city.
Good interface
Am contented most of the time but sometimes not accurate. Hope you can do something about it.
Does not support iOS 10, the 14 day forecastgarbled, icon to display the temperature forupdates
# 1 App
very good
Convenient app that works well, i wish the stock weather app had the "feels like" feature
I wise this app to check accurate and good UI weather, great app!
One of the best weather apps i have ever seen. Loved the updates, prognosis are on the spot. Also great and easy to use interface. Graphics are nice and pleasent to the eye. All and all i loved it.
Enough informative and useful! Thanks!
The program is pretty good sometimes it has flaws but for the most part it's a pretty good program and I think it's worth the money so you should go out and buy this app.
Nowhere in the "details" did it say that in order to get all the great features you had to pay $3.99. I downloaded the app for all these features only to find the ones I wanted (and got for free with Who Is Hot) will cost me $4! I miss Who Is Hot. I could access weather info where all my contacts live or where I was traveling for free. I don't know why Apple no longer has that app.
Like it very much!!!
Nice looking and useful
This is what I was looking for in a weather app. Easy to get all the info without clutter. Worth getting this app.
Handy weather app!!
Intuitive user interface. Overall, a nice weather app.
An extremely well presented weather app! A few more features and tweaks, and it would be a decent replacement for the one I currently use.
It shows me just what I need. Feels like info is convenient and the rotating globe with city position is wonderful.
I came across Real Weather when I was trying to find a nice looking app that was not all jumbled up. Real Weather has a ton of features but I like the simple 48 hour forecast. Easy to use.
Really great weather app.
I like the app . Thank you
Very slow in updating weather information, UI is cluttered, not optimized for iPhone 5 screen, 1.99 is way over priced when there are free apps which perform better. I can go on and on but you get my point. Don't waste ur buck on this stupid app.
App started crashing on start up. It wasn't anything to write home about before it began crashing. Inaccurate forecasts and lackluster graphics. Don't waste your money on this excuse for a weather app.
I installed it before two weeks and now it stopped working.please fix it.
I can't used it :/
I can't used it.
Мало того что стоимость 1,99$. Так еще надо доплатить 1$ за отображение погоды на иконке. 👎
plz make conversion about language of Korea with universal ver :) Cheer up!
The only 'different' feature this app has, the badge notification, and it's now an in app purchase! Go figure. Was hoping the update would change this, considering the app already costs $1.99! Ridiculous. Typical greedy creators out to make more money off of us!
Loved it--wonderful design. Useful layout. ( loved how it showed multi-day graph when held horizontal.) Stopped updating though. No response from email to customer support. Will delete in a day or two if not fixed. ------ Update: they replied to me email, and the app updates just fine now, after many days of being broken. Must have been computer/server issues, I assume. I've increased my star rating, assuming it'll keep working....
Update - It's finally fixed. They must have had major server issues, the email i sent them couldnt be delivered either. But just checked the app & its now working. So i changed back yo 5 stars as it deserves. This was my favorite weather but as of last week, it doesn't update. Emailed them & no response at all. Hope they will fix it & would be good customer service to respond to email do they don't lose their customers. DON'T BUY IT NOW, you'll be frustrated, wait until there's reviews saying it's fixed
Does nothing..... Except infect.
It hasn't been updating!
This used to be a great app, but it has been unable to connect to the server for days. There's no back up server or way to let users know the connection is down/when it will be fixed.